Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Literacy: It's not just about reading anymore

I was fortunate to attend an in-service on Literacy in the 21st Century. What made this professional development session different was the audience. The focus was on use of technology, which often means the audience will be individuals with an interest or expertise in technology. Yesterday, half of the audience comprised of language specialists, many of whom also presented.

With four concurrent sessions over three time periods, there were plenty of options for the participants to chose from. It was great to see the use of technology integrated into various areas of instruction.

One of my personal areas of interest are the use of Virtual Classrooms, a piece of our school system's portal. A VC can be used in a variety ways, from web-enhancing a classroom by posting notes, assignments and a calendar of events or to providing online forums for students to post work, provide feedback, work collaboratively, and support each other. It was great to see such a variety of areas leveraging this piece of technology.

Today, I hope to gather a few clips from the various sessions to provide a feel for way technology is being used in Saskatoon schools.

1 comment:

  1. I think you are right that the diversity was one of the strenghts of the day and I am looking forward to your clips!

